March 09, 2011

Generate quotas into infotype 2006

Quotas generation withRPTQTA00

When generate absence quotas through RPTQTA00 into the infotype 2006, Direct option needs to be selected.

Meanwhile, to avoid to generate multiple quotas repeatedly, the Settlement of Existing Quotas has to be checked in Absence Quota Selection Rule Group for the total entitlement.

Change or Create Public Holiday / Public Holiday Calendar

When change or create public holiday or holiday calendar, make sure to do the Transport after making any changes, otherwise the change wont be showed up as desired. The system also pops up this request for the Transport.

Go to Calendar(initial screen) ->Transport.

If want to delete public holiday, delete public holiday in the holiday calendar first, and Transport is also required to execute for the update.

March 05, 2011

Delete Payroll Results

To deal with the incorrect payroll result, depends on the status of the payroll control record.

If the status of control record has not been on End of Payroll, you can:
  * Repeat the payroll run
  * Delete the incorrect payroll result, but only the last payroll result can be deleted.

Otherwise, payroll result can be reversed, which also reverses the relevant checks and transfers, if the data medium exchange program has already been run. Reversing does not delete database record, it only marks with the "invalid" indicator.

"Payroll not passible because data is missing: No entry in the table WCB1"

1. Infotype 0461 needs to exist.
2. Link the ObjID to Classification groups for WCB in table V_T5KWB.

"Business Number not found"

Employee needs to be assigned a work contract in Organization Assignment infotype 0001, which links to business number and payroll account number.

February 28, 2011

Work schedule processing work flow

Work Schedule Processing Work flow

"Only records of less than one day allowed for attendance/absence type"

When the absence is booked and the system prompts this message, the setting of the maximum or minimum duration should be reviewed in Absence Type.

The system's help shows:

Minimum duration: Attendances and absences that are allowed to last for less than one workday are assigned the indicator 000. Attendances and absences that are to be rejected by the system if they are shorter than one day are denoted by an indicator greater than or equal to 001.

Maximum duration: Attendances and absences that must last for less than one workday are assigned the indicator 000. The indicator 999 denotes that there is no limit on the duration of the attendance or absence.

How does the system deal with the non- generated work schedule

When the work schedule has not yet been generated either by manually or in batch, or deleted for some reasons after the work schedule is set up. The system will determine how to generate work schedule through the Automatic Generation setting in the Work Schedule Rule.

There are three options for the Automatic Generation:

1. ""/Blank : The monthly work schedule is automatically generated by the system. The work schedule is not saved in the database, however. The system outputs a message.

2. A': The monthly work schedule is automatically generated by the system. The work schedule is not saved in the database, however. The system does not output a message.

3. 'M' : The monthly work schedule is not automatically generated. An error message appears.

The processing of deducting the absence from the quotas

Configuration of counting class for the absence quotas

The destination of defining the counting class actually is to locate the each single day in the work schedule for the different quota deduction percentage.  The each single day in the work schedule has several conditions needed to be defined, such as whether it is normal working day, public holiday, short variant day, or to be paid or unpaid. All these conditions need to be picked up in counting class to identify each single day.

For example under the following situation:

When we say, we want a short variant day (5 hours of half holiday) on Friday defined in period work schedule of 8h x 5d to be paid, and with 50% of quota deduction. Then we choose counting class 2 and daily class 0 first, after that we also choose the relative holiday class, day type and which workday that all defined in work schedule to identify this single day. Subsequently, we give 50% selection for the deduction of quota multiplier.

February 27, 2011

Absence Quota Accrual Calculation

Base Entitlement,Accrual period, Accrual entitlement,Generated period, Rounding rule

When calculate accrual entitlement,
first, convert the base entitlement into the units of accrual base by Pro rate or No pro rate calculation requested from accrual period;
second, convert the generated period into the units based on the accrual period;
third, multiply the unit of accrual base(from first step) by the units of actual accrual period( from second step).

For example:
Base entitlement: 3 days / calendar year
Accrual base period: calendar year
Pro rate method: No pro rate calculation
Generated period: 31.10.2010 - 31.12.2010

Units of accrual base: 3 days
Units of actual accrual period: 1 period
Accrual entitlement: 3 days

RPTQAT00 - "You have not selected any generation rules"

"You have not selected any generation rules"

When generate absence quota with RPTQTA00, the above error message may be caused by the following ignored setting:

1. QUOMO Feature has not been activated after setting.
2. Quota Type needs to be set "no generate" in Permit Generation of Quotas in Time Evaluation.
3. Personnel Subarea Groupings For Time Recording should be 01 in stand system, otherwise it needs to be reset in Time Evaluation. Check the table V_001P_H.